

In case of an emergency, please contact us immediately during office hours. For out of office hours, please call SafeGuard on 01207 503293. Emergencies include, but are not limited to:

  • The complete loss of heat and hot water; before getting in touch, please check this has not been caused by local electricity or gas supply problems or by incorrectly setting your timers or thermostats.
  • Complete loss of or access to a water supply; please check before calling that your water supplier has not turned off the water to carry out repairs in the area. If a leak cannot be contained and is causing damage, particularly if it is leaking into an electrical fitting. When there is a total loss throughout the property and it cannot be solved by resetting the master trip switch, or if the loss is partial but there is a potential safety hazard; If it is causing a flood or overflowing internally or externally. If you have a blocked toilet and you have no other usable toilet; before calling, please refer to the Plumbing section of this document for information on maintaining and unblocking your drains and toilets.