What is not covered by the warranty?

What is not covered by the warranty?

  • Damage caused by storms, negligence, abuse, or a failure to maintain the property or appliances. This includes a drainage issue caused by the disposal of inappropriate products or substances into the drainage system.
  • Normal settlement, shrinkage cracks and nail pops.
  • Condensation or associated problems caused by a failure to adequately ventilate the property.
  • Problems with any workmanship, materials or appliances that you have brought or added to the property.
  • All integrated appliances are covered by a manufacturer’s warranty and are therefore not covered by our 2-year warranty.
  • Any cosmetic defects such as scratches, chips or marks that have not been reported within seven days of legal completion. Outside of this time frame, it maybe difficult to establish how the damage was caused.
  • Any inconvenience, distress, consequential loss of enjoyment or income loss caused by remedial works, assuming all reasonable steps have been taken to minimise disruption.